Horton’s Background

Lester Horton was born in 1906 in Indianapolis, Indiana. After seeing Ted Shawn and Ruth St. Denis’s tour in Indianapolis in 1922, Horton was inspired to start studying ballet. He later toured with Forrest Thornburg, who was a former Denishawn dancer, and therefore learned many Denishawn works and was able to study modern. After returning to Indianapolis he and Clara Bates created the pageant “The Song of Hiawatha” inspired by his interests in Native American dance.

After moving to California, Horton created his first dance company in Los Angeles in 1932. There he choreographed many works including pieces for his company as well as musicals and films. For example, he choreographed for Phantom of the Opera. In addition to choreographing, Horton also created many of his own set designs and costumes for his company’s productions.

In 1946, together with Bella Lewitzky, Horton founded his Dance Theatre. The Dance Theatre was the first one of its kind dedicated to modern dance in Los Angeles and was racially integrated. Here Horton taught his technique based on Native American and other cultural dance practices. Horton created many pieces using his technique including The Beloved.

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